Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Tango

The Tango
A popular style of dance in Argentina is the Tango.
The tango is one of the most "sought after dance styles" in the world.


Men's Instructions (Lead)

6. Stand facing your partner. Place your right arm on her lower back. Straighten your upper body.

7. Keep your weight on the balls of your feet.

8. Use your right hand to pull your partner toward you. You might have to shift to the side a bit so the two of you won't bump knees when you dance.

9. Extend your left arm up and to the side. Keep your arm firm, applying gentle pressure to your partner's palm. This gentle pressure against her palm will actually help her feel which way you are going as you lead.

10. Stand with your feet close together. Step forward with your left foot and then forward with your right foot.

11. Bring your left foot next to your right. Keep your weight on the right foot. You are now back at your starting point.

12. Repeat this basic step guiding your partner around the room in a circle.

Women's Instructions (Follow)

13. Stand facing your partner. Place your left hand on his arm above his bicep. Straighten your upper body.

14. Keep your weight on the balls of your feet.

15. Extend your right arm up and to the side. Keep it tense. This tension will allow you to feel your partner's movements better and make it easier to follow his lead.

16. Stand with your feet close together.

17.Step backward with your right foot then with your left foot.

18.Bring your right foot next to your left. Keep your weight on the left foot. You are now back at the starting position.

19. Repeat these steps as your partner guides you around the room. Be attentive to body language and any little pushes or pulls as he guides you.


20. Vary the basic step by standing in place as you do the two-step. This is called la Cadencia, or Cadence.

21. Step backward on the second step to do la Cunita, or the Rock-Step.

22. Combine the basic two-step with some of these variations and don't be afraid to improvise.


1. Face your partner and stand closer together than you would in most other ballroom dances - close enough that your torsos are touching.

2. If you're the leader, place your right hand on the middle of your partner's lower back. Extend your left hand out to your side with your arm bent and grasp your partner's right hand in a loose grip. Your partner should place her left hand on your right shoulder and place her right hand lightly in your palm with her right elbow bent.

3. On the first beat, walk forward slowly with your left foot, placing down your heel first and then your toes. Your partner will mirror each of your movements on every beat throughout the dance - in this case, moving her right foot backward, landing her toes and then her heel.

4. On the second beat, step forward slowly with your right foot so that it moves past your left. You should feel like you are slinking forward.

5. On the third beat, step forward quickly with your left foot, then immediately slide your right foot quickly to the right side and shift your weight to that foot.

6. On the fourth beat, bring your left foot slowly to your right, leaving your left leg slightly bent as your feet come together. Your weight should still be on your right foot.

7. Now, shift your weight to your left foot and do a right forward rock step: While making a half-turn clockwise, step forward quickly on your right foot, and then quickly shift your weight back to your left foot. With your right foot, slowly step forward to complete the half turn.

8. Bring your feet together, bring your left foot up next to your right and repeat steps 3 through 7.


History on the Tango

The word tango means "closed space" or "reserved ground".  It required its meaning of the place where African slaves and free blacks gathered to dance by the time Argentina banned slavery im 1853. The compadritos, or young men, took the dance to the Corrales Viejos and introduced it in various low-life establishment where dancing took place. The tango was considered a dance from the poor barrios. The tango dance spread around and eventually everyone knew what it was.


Noelle Berry

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