Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Spain Compared to the U.S.

            Spain Compared to The United States


        Spain and The United States have many

 differences. Spain has many unique qualities that 

the U.S. doesn't have.  One of the interesting facts 

about Spain is that spanish people drive on the

 opposite side of the road than we do in the U.S. 

Spain also has a siesta. A siesta is traditionally a 

short nap during mid-day. From two o’clock to

 five o’clock all stores are closed, everyone goes 

home, and it is very rude to communicate to the outside world at this time. Since the people of spain 

have a siesta, they eat their meals at different times of the day than we do. They eat breakfast from

 about nine to ten, then lunch from about two to three. Lunch is traditionally their main meal with many

 courses. From about nine to ten, they have dinner. Their schedule can be extremely different from ours.

 Another fact about spain is that they have many festivals all the time. They are always celebrating and

 having a good time. One more unique concept about spain is that their official language is spanish; we

 don’t have an official language here. There are many more unique differences about Spain and the 

United States.  ~Bailee Duquette

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