Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sports in Cuba


Baseball ("national sport of Cuba")

Boxing (dominates in world boxing with winning a total of 25 Olympic gold metals in 1994).

Track and Field (Enrique Figuerola won a silver in the 100 meter run).

         Track and Field is unique because in comparison with the US track and field was how Cuba had their first successful accomplishment in the 100 meter run. Enrique Figuerola won a silver.

          In Cuba there is no ruling class. Cuban culture have always took part in music, painting and writing. On the other hand some Cubans start young in sports so that the National Olympic team have a much more bigger pool to choose from.

          The way of living in Cuba has a big impact on how they succeed and accomplish a lot in sports. When they choose to start young in sports is giving them a head start and a more likely chance if winning the Olympics young and hold a record. Enrique Figuerola has made his point in track and field.

- Geneeva LeSage

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