Saturday, October 13, 2012

Brodie Altiere- Dominican Republic

Brodie Altiere- Dominican Republic

                      The culture shows why the Dominican Republic is so poor and how baseball is one of the only ways to wealthiness. The Mulatto population is 73% which is almost ¾ of the 9.3 million that live there. So according to the pattern that their culture gives us most of the Dominican are non wealthy middle class people. And the lack of people makes it hard to sell a lot of goods. Baseball is the best way to get a better life because it doesn’t matter your social status or your money situation which is right down the Dominican’s alley.

Brodie Altiere- Dominican Republic

          The culture of the Dominican Republic is metropolitan. The Dominican was the first place settled by Spanish people in the new world. There diseases wiped out most of the Taino Indians this triggered the settlers to import African slaves, After the Haitian liberation of the entire island, slavery was abolished and free blacks and mixed flooded the island. The upper class was the Spaniards and they got the best education. The middle class were the Mulattos who didn’t get the same level of education as the Spaniards did and weren’t very wealthy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sports in Cuba


Baseball ("national sport of Cuba")

Boxing (dominates in world boxing with winning a total of 25 Olympic gold metals in 1994).

Track and Field (Enrique Figuerola won a silver in the 100 meter run).

         Track and Field is unique because in comparison with the US track and field was how Cuba had their first successful accomplishment in the 100 meter run. Enrique Figuerola won a silver.

          In Cuba there is no ruling class. Cuban culture have always took part in music, painting and writing. On the other hand some Cubans start young in sports so that the National Olympic team have a much more bigger pool to choose from.

          The way of living in Cuba has a big impact on how they succeed and accomplish a lot in sports. When they choose to start young in sports is giving them a head start and a more likely chance if winning the Olympics young and hold a record. Enrique Figuerola has made his point in track and field.

- Geneeva LeSage

What is culture? and How does spanish food manifest in their culture?

                                     Culture Importance

    Culture is the personality of a group of people with a setting and place. This personality includes arts

and achievements of the group of people. Many different places all over the world has many varied 

cultures. Culture includes the way the music is played, the way literature is written, the style of art, and 

the typical ingredients used in many foods. Another example of culture can have to deal with the 

characteristics of the people, their ethnic group, and age group. 

     Food is a big part of Spain's culture. Some of the main ingredients in spanish food is lots of garlic

and olive oil. Ham is a prized delicacy in Spain. It includes a very high-price; most of the time, the

price is worth it. Another common food that can describe Spain's culture is that seafood is extremely 

common. Since Spain is a peninsula, three bodies of water surrounding the country, seafood is 

commonly eaten everyday, and very inexpensive. Food describes a big piece of Spain's culture. ~Bailee

Spain Compared to the U.S.

            Spain Compared to The United States


        Spain and The United States have many

 differences. Spain has many unique qualities that 

the U.S. doesn't have.  One of the interesting facts 

about Spain is that spanish people drive on the

 opposite side of the road than we do in the U.S. 

Spain also has a siesta. A siesta is traditionally a 

short nap during mid-day. From two o’clock to

 five o’clock all stores are closed, everyone goes 

home, and it is very rude to communicate to the outside world at this time. Since the people of spain 

have a siesta, they eat their meals at different times of the day than we do. They eat breakfast from

 about nine to ten, then lunch from about two to three. Lunch is traditionally their main meal with many

 courses. From about nine to ten, they have dinner. Their schedule can be extremely different from ours.

 Another fact about spain is that they have many festivals all the time. They are always celebrating and

 having a good time. One more unique concept about spain is that their official language is spanish; we

 don’t have an official language here. There are many more unique differences about Spain and the 

United States.  ~Bailee Duquette
Basketball in Spain

Throughout the past few years the sport of basketball has increased in popularity in Spain. Since 1957 the Liga ACB (previously Liga Nacional) has been provided professional basketball contests for people in Spain. Liga ACB is the most popular basketball league in Spain with 18 total teams. Some of teams in Liga ACB include FC Barcelona, Real Madrid and Valencia. Liga ACB has hosted an annual playoffs and league championships since the 1983-84 season. In that first season Real Madrid defeated FC Barcelona 2 games to 1 to take the first title.

Liga Femenina (Spain women's basketball league) has 14 teams as opposed to the 18 of Liga ACB. Liga Femenina originated in 1964. Through the 1995-96 season a playoff system was not used and an outright winner with the best record was considered the champion. The playoff era for Liga Femenina started in the season of 1996-97. In that season, Pool Getafe defeated Real Canoe for the title starting a two year winning streak for Pool Getafe. Unlike the men's league, all teams in Liga Femenina have won at least one title. This is very unique compared to any league in any sport because this is not the case for most.

Of course for the FIBA World Championship and the Olympics, Spain sends a men's and a women's national team who usually compete for the championship. In the past few years and olympics', the Spain men's team has fallen just short of winning, each time being defeated by the United States.

Below are some pictures of the Spain National Team and and players from various basketball clubs.


Cal Filson